Exposition Park

The goals of this project were to establish a brand, create packaging concepts and design a mobile app for a food truck park. The logo design was inspired by a structure on one side of the park, and the color palette reflected the natural elements surrounding the park.

For the app, I considered information that would be helpful for a visitor/user, and how to organize the information in a user-friendly design. Four main categories emerged: food trucks, entertainment, schedules and information. (These can be seen in the content map, sitemap, wireframes and final design.) While the park is family-friendly, the primary audience for the app was adults (with a focus on the 21 to 40 age range). The persona, scenario and user flow was based on an adult in this age range; who was looking for a quick bite from a favorite food truck before attending the nearby concert venue.

The design presents the main categories with legible text and icons. A hamburger menu appears in the corner when the user continues to explore the app. This makes it easy for the user to revisit a specific page, or select the logo to return to the home page. Schedules and food truck menus are easily accessible, with a calendar viewing option also available. The photography supports the food truck and entertainment acts throughout the app. Lastly, contact information and a map can be viewed for additional assistance. The interactive prototype can be found here: invisionapp.com.

Park logo design on food container in front of food truck
Exposition Park logo design Exposition Park cup Exposition Park food container Exposition Park napkins Color swatches Content Map Site map Persona, scenario, user flow Sketches Wireframes Wireframes Wireframes
Exposition Park iPhone app load screen Exposition Park iPhone app home page Exposition Park iPhone app food trucks Exposition Park iPhone app entertainment